
If you have left a pet behind in an evacuated area and need someone to check on it, contact the Alberta SPCA toll-free at 1-800-455-9003. If you have questions about your pet, call 310-4455, or check with the reception centre identified for your community. Staff can assist and connect you with the appropriate resources beyond those listed below.

Statement from the Jasper and Valemount Veterinary Clinic

The Jasper and Valemount Veterinary Clinic released the following statement on its website:

26 July 2024

Dear clients, friends and family,

It is with immense sadness that we must announce that the Jasper Veterinary Clinic burnt to the ground on Wednesday night.

Our hearts are broken, not just for this tragic loss, but for the devastation that has befallen our beloved Jasper. We are particularly saddened by the destruction of so many homes, which includes those of two staff members.

It is unknown at this time just how the recovery of Jasper will unfold, but it is certain that we will be unable to provide veterinary care in Jasper for the foreseeable future.

As many of our staff were evacuated to Valemount, the Valemount Veterinary Clinic is still operational for the time being. We have adjusted our hours for next week to accommodate the increased demand at that location. This Monday, July 29th we will be open from 11 AM to 2 PM but without a veterinarian on site, and Wednesday, July 31st, we will be open from 9 AM to 3 PM with a veterinarian, as well as our usual Tuesday and Thursday hours of 9 AM to 3 PM. These hours may change; please check our website regularly for updates.

We anticipate some difficulty receiving all supplies in a timely manner. For this we apologize and thank you for your patience in advance.

Our Hinton clients will need to rely on the Solstice Veterinary Clinic, which is unfortunately temporarily closed until Monday, July 29th, and the Edson Veterinary Clinic, to whom we are tremendously grateful for their support. We are so sorry that we are no longer there for you.

At this time, we are still able to provide emergency service from our Valemount location. Please call (780) 800-2402 to reach the triage service if you need help outside of clinic hours.

t this point, we are numb and grieving and do not know what the future holds.

Our hearts go out to all our fellow Jasperites, wherever they have found refuge, and hope they can find solace somehow. Our lovely mountain town and surrounding wilderness are forever changed.

Thank you to all firefighters who rushed to Jasper’s aid and put their lives at risk to try and save it.

Thank you also for the outpouring of support and offers of assistance from clients, friends, and colleagues. It is a beacon of light in a dark time.

And lastly we would like to thank each and everyone of our clients who have shared their journey of pet ownership with us. It has been a pleasure and an honour to have served Jasper and surrounding area for the past thirty five years. We hold all of you and your beloved pets close to our hearts. It has been an amazing and, oh, so rewarding experience.

I personally would like to thank all the staff who have helped me build and nourish my dream of providing the best veterinary care for our community. Your dedication and hard work went beyond all expectations. There are no words to describe how grateful I am to all of you. It is hard to imagine that our journey together has come to such an abrupt and tragic end. We are a great team…we are a family.

We love you, Jasper.

Dr. Janet and the dedicated staff of the Jasper Vet Clinic.

Supports for evacuees with pets and livestock

The following businesses and organizations are offering pet supplies and other supports to evacuees and pets affected by the Jasper wildfires.