Drs. Aidan and Alyssa Wickenhauser stepping in for Dr. Peter Boyne, chiropractor

Husband and wife Aidan and Alyssa Wickenhauser are the new chiropractors stepping in for Dr. Peter Boyne, and together with Peter, they wanted to update Jasperites regarding the current situation regarding Jasper Chiropractic & Body Care Clinic.

Dr. Boyne was in the process of retiring and transitioning his practice to Drs. Wickenhauser. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr. Boyne couldn’t stay to assist with the transition. However, he has graciously been updating the Wickenhausers on each patient and their care preferences, and will continue to do so from afar.

Due to the evacuation, the Wickenhausers are currently seeing patients full-time in Hinton until they can reopen in Jasper. Although the return to Jasper is scheduled soon, they have no idea when they will be able to begin working out of the Jasper clinic but will keep you updated.

For now, if you need care, you can book appointments online at jasperchiro.janeapp.com or email doctor@jasperchiro.ca. If you’re feeling extra friendly, feel free to give the Wickenhausers a visit in person at their Hinton clinic to say hello! They are located at 121 Jasper Street (in the same building as Self Care Anywhere).

They know how amazing a chiropractor Dr. Boyne is, and Drs. Wickenhauser want you all to know that they will strive to serve you as he did. They also thought it important to note that they have had the privilege of shadowing Dr. Boyne many times, and share his practice style—one of the reasons he trusted us with your care.

The Wickenhausers are here to support you during this time and look forward to serving you all in Jasper as soon as circumstances allow.