Please be patient; the embedded calendar may take a moment or two to load.

Using the calendar should be fairly intuitive; however, you can

  • use the left or right arrows on either side of the month to see events for the previous or the next month
  • choose the types of events you'd like to see, use the Categories, Tags and Venues filters, then check the appropriate checkboxes
  • click or tap an event title to view pertinent details about that event (i.e., date, time, description, event host, and RSVP or sponsor information, etc.)
  • use the Search function at the top right to look for events of interest.
  • use the Add to Calendar feature at the top right to add an event to your personal calendar (e.g., Google, Outlook, Apple, etc.)
  • use the toggle button at the far right to determine how you'd like to view the calendar (e.g., list of events, see events for the current week, see events for the current month, display events in a gallery or tiled format, etc.)